The cold has returned and although it is nowhere near as cold as it was a few weeks ago...-30 is not much better. As I walked the 7th and 8th graders over to their math class at Lathrop, across the pedestrian bridge (and my return trip to Barnette) my face began to tingle. The warmth we have had recently has lead me to become unprepared for colder temperatures (no neck warmer). I'll be prepared tomorrow.
- Gabe learned how to clap last night. When we clap, he claps. It is adorable and will also serve to boost my ego after I play cello for him (no more blank stares...of appreciation).
- Gabe is also pulling himself up on anything he can get his hands on. The only problem is that he is heavier than most of the things he can get his hands on. Instead of pulling himself up, he pulls things down on to him if we aren't paying attention. Which we are...always...scouts honor.
- note to self: time to start baby-proofing the house...everything is looking rather pointy at the moment.
Its really hard speaking to him in Spanish because I kind of feel like an idiot (my accent isn't awesome). But It's worth it for so many I will trudge on. I have been compiling resources to help me. Cody's Cuentos is an awesome podcast in which a native Spanish speaker reads a common fairy tale in Spanish. I also have a helpful iPod Touch app. that helps me look up the random words I forget. Thank you technology.
Finally, here are a few photos from our first skiing/boarding trip and from Gabe's first sled/slide ride. This took place two weekends ago...I wish we could go more often.