Wednesday, February 18, 2009

In Celebration of Valentine's Day...

For Valentine's Day Alex and I decided to do something that we used to do A LOT of before Gabe was born, but that we have done VERY little of since he was born. Go to the movies, of course! What? What did you think I was going to say?
We went to see Coraline, which is based on a Neil Gaiman book. If you haven't read it already, you should. It's a very quick read and super creepy. Anyways, this was the second movie we had been to together since the birth of our drool monster and it really managed to make me thankful for that new 42'' LCD TV we bought last month.
We go in, buy our outrageously priced tickets and head straight for the theater (no stops at the ridiculously priced concessions). We have the whole theater to ourselves, because we get there a little early, so we pick our prefered "middle" seats. Then, the next people that come into the theater (a group of 4 or 5) have the entire theater of seats to choose from and sit directly behind us! I HATE that! You can't sit at least one or two seats to the side of us and behind us?! No! You have to sit DIRECTLY behind us and then start talking about completely meaningless and obnoxious things entirely too loud! Then, naturally, the next group of 5 people enter the theater and choose the seats DIRECTLY in front of us! We are immediately sandwiched by morons, who proceded to talk loudly all during the Inside Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Preview! I was already making rude comments loud enough for my neighbors to hear before the movie even started!
Finally, the movie starts and I think, "Thank God! At least we all came here to do the same thing....enjoy this movie. Surely they won't continue their conversations through the movie." For the most part, I was right. It wasn't until the first slightly funny scene in Coraline that Alex and I knew it would be a while before we went to another movie in theaters. The man sitting directly in front of me had the most obnoxious, loud, ridiculous, annoying laugh I had heard in my entire life. Even the people that he came to the movie with were giving him dirty looks! I'm 100% positive that they won't be going to a movie with that guy again any time soon.
So, for our second movie experience in the last 6 months, it wasn't all bad. The movie itself was very good, if only I can stop that man's laughter from ringing in my ears.