They replaced the hose, yay, the power steering pump has died. They wanted me to pay $500 for a new one. I quickly said no, picked up my car, and using all of my muscle to turn the wheel, I drove my butt home. That's where the Infinite Sadness comes in.
Yesterday, Beth calls me and says, "The house is cold. We're out of fuel!" Awesome. I called the fuel company and hoped they would be able to emergency fill us, but nothing goes right when you need it to. After giving all of my info I asked them when they would be able to fill us up... 7:00, 8:00???
SATURDAY!?!? Which meant that we were S.O.L.
Beth had dropped me off which means I had no car to go home and get our gas cans to fill with diesel (@ $3.44/gal). Beth came to pick me up and we went her parents house. Wayne has plenty of gas cans I could borrow...none of which I could find. So I gave up and went to Fred's and bought one, filled it up, and headed to the front gate to get a pass (since I wasn't driving my car).
10 gallons of diesel later our house went from 48 degrees to 68 degrees and the day finally ended. Now I just hope the diesel lasts until Saturday when we get filled up.
On a different is a picture of the pillow I made Gabe on Super Craft Sunday.