Gabe has a runny nose comparable to Niagara Falls and it has turned him into a grouch. Snot is constantly running down his face and down the back of his throat which has given him the nastiest of coughs and causes him to sleep very lightly. He hacks and hacks and wakes himself up, and in turn, wakes us up (which leads to unhappy parents).
He has a doctor's appointment tomorrow, which involves weighing, measuring, and umm...long pointy, red-faced-cry producing, needles. It definitely is not a fun process. Gabe is all happy and looking around the bright colored room, there are the fish from Finding Nemo on the wall, a mobile on the ceiling, plenty of things to catch his attention. I then have to hold his arms and chest down (he still has no idea what is going to happen). The nurse then stabs him in the leg with 3 different needles. I am glad Gabe is too young to hold grudges. During all of this, Beth is in the corner covering her eyes and ears.
I have to be at work tomorrow which means that Beth is going to have to be the Blood Traitor. I'll be interested to hear what happens...because I will hear it...over and over.